
Articles I wrote that range across topics. They stem from working as a woman in games- and tech fields (with a history in healthcare hospitality). Over time I developed proficiency with generating intrinsic motivation, building up & acting with self-confidence through learn-to-learn methodology, and I’m a tenacious creator who uses project- and knowledge management principles to overcome hurdles. I have been active in the industry for over 11 years and, like ‘the camel in the desert’, I just keep at it at my own pace.
In peace, with confidence, and never stopping.

Camel Attitude for tranquility in an attention-focused society

Likes, and the absence of them, are known to have devastating effects on the mental tranquility of creators. I work in an overwhelming absence of social media approval and creative conversations and am at peace. But withstanding isolation in a world that encourages pretending to have an abundance of attention requires developing a certain mindset, in creative fashion.
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On Observation, Interpretation, and Translation.

Throughout my personal and professional life I’ve heard people say that they “could never do what I do”. That my tendency to “always be doing or making things” is admirable. More loudly, I find myself listening to people express their wish to be doing something, to make something, but they don’t try because they think they won’t be good at it. Quick to dismiss their skills as non-existent. […] it saddens me when people say they don’t make what they want to make because of some belief that they wouldn’t be able to. Over time I thought about why I am not bothered by this, or by the often-lamented ‘impostor syndrome’,  and I link it back to three skills that are implied but not often spoken about…
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We’re meant to grow out of “you belong”.

I propose the concept that if we want to empower minority groups that we should recognize that it is a disservice to those groups to continually talk about their status as a minority group within the spaces reserved for them. And that – like learning how to have self-confidence and act from that – the phrase “you belong in this industry” is meant to be grown out of.
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Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice & processing grief through play.

Video games mean a lot to me. They are not just a medium of entertainment but also provide unique experiences. They offer a chance to reinvent perception while acting in the safety of their confines. It is this property of the medium that I quite possibly value the most. This article tells a personal story, one I believe is very important to tell even though I struggle with how to convey it. It tells about how the interactivity of video games helped me work through my grief about losing my mother. At least, how it contributed for a large part to the processing of it. [Continue reading]